Second Punic War Battles > Battle of Dertosa
Battle of Dertosa

The Battle of Dertosa, also known as the Battle of the Iberus, occurred in 215 BC during the Second Punic War. It was fought between the Roman Republic, led by the generals Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio, and the Carthaginian forces commanded by Hasdrubal Barca, brother of Hannibal. Following the outbreak of the Second Punic War, the Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca invaded Italy, leaving his brother Hasdrubal Barca in command of Carthaginian forces in Hispania. The Roman Republic, recognizing the strategic importance of Hispania, dispatched the Scipio brothers to confront the Carthaginians and prevent them from reinforcing Hannibal in Italy.
The Scipio brothers deployed their forces near the town of Dertosa (modern-day Tortosa) on the banks of the Ebro River in northeastern Hispania. They positioned their troops strategically to defend against any Carthaginian advance. Hasdrubal Barca, aware of the Roman presence, led his Carthaginian army across the Ebro River and deployed them for battle on the opposite bank, preparing to engage the Romans.
The battle began with skirmishes between the advanced parties of both armies, as they sought to gain advantageous positions and probe the enemy's defenses. The Carthaginians attempted to cross the Ebro River to attack the Roman position, but the Scipio brothers successfully repelled their initial assaults, inflicting heavy casualties on the Carthaginian forces. Recognizing the strength of the Roman defenses, Hasdrubal Barca decided against a direct assault and instead withdrew his forces, avoiding a pitched battle with the Romans.
The Battle of Dertosa ended inconclusively, with neither side achieving a decisive victory. The Roman Republic maintained control over northeastern Hispania, while the Carthaginians retained their presence south of the Ebro River. While the battle did not result in significant territorial gains for either side, it demonstrated the effectiveness of the Scipio brothers' leadership and the resilience of the Roman forces in Hispania.
The Battle of Dertosa marked one of the early engagements between Roman and Carthaginian forces in Hispania during the Second Punic War. It set the stage for further confrontations between the two powers in the region and highlighted the strategic importance of Hispania in the conflict.
Second Punic War
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- Battle of Herdonia (212 BC)
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- Hasdrubal Barca
- Hasdrubal Gisco
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- Mago Barca
- Maharbal