First Punic War > First Punic War Naval Battles
First Punic War Naval Battles

The First Punic War was characterized by several significant naval battles between the fleets of Rome and Carthage. These naval engagements played a crucial role in determining control over the seas and ultimately the outcome of the war. Here are some of the key naval battles of the First Punic War:
Battle of Mylae (260 BC):
One of the earliest major naval battles of the war. Fought off the coast of Mylae (modern Milazzo) in Sicily. The Roman fleet, under the command of consul Gaius Duilius, employed the innovative corvus, a boarding bridge, which allowed Roman marines to board and capture Carthaginian ships. Rome achieved a decisive victory over Carthage, marking the first major Roman naval victory in history.
Battle of Sulci (258 BC):
Fought off the coast of Sulci in Sardinia. Carthaginian fleet, led by Hannibal Gisco, faced off against the Roman fleet. Despite initial success for Carthage, the battle ended inconclusively, with neither side achieving a decisive victory.
Battle of Tyndaris (257 BC):
Fought off the coast of Tyndaris (modern Tindari) in Sicily. The Roman fleet, under consul Gaius Atilius Regulus, clashed with the Carthaginian fleet. Rome achieved a victory, consolidating its control over the seas around Sicily.
Battle of Cape Ecnomus (256 BC):
Largest naval battle in antiquity. Fought near Cape Ecnomus on the southern coast of Sicily. The Roman fleet, under the command of consuls Marcus Atilius Regulus and Lucius Manlius Vulso, decisively defeated the Carthaginian fleet. Rome established naval supremacy in the western Mediterranean following this victory.
Battle of Drepana (249 BC):
Fought off the coast of Drepana (modern Trapani) in western Sicily. Roman fleet, under the command of consul Publius Claudius Pulcher, suffered a disastrous defeat against the Carthaginians. Roman losses were significant, including the sinking of many ships due to poor decision-making by Pulcher.
Battle of the Aegates Islands (241 BC):
The Final naval battle of the First Punic War fought near the Aegates Islands off the western coast of Sicily. The Roman fleet, under consul Gaius Lutatius Catulus, decisively defeated the Carthaginian fleet. The victory at the Aegates Islands forced Carthage to sue for peace, leading to the end of the war. These naval battles were pivotal in shaping the course of the First Punic War and establishing Rome's naval dominance in the Mediterranean. They highlighted the importance of naval power in ancient warfare and demonstrated Rome's ability to adapt and innovate in naval tactics and technology.
First Punic War
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- Battle of Panormus
- Siege of Apsis
- Siege of Drepana
- Siege of Lilybaeum (250 BC)
Naval Battles
- Battle of Cape Ecnomus
- Battle of Drepana
- Battle of the Aegates Islands
- Battle of the Lipari Islands
- Battle of Mylae
- Battle of Sulci
- Battle of Tyndaris