First Punic War > First Punic War Generals
First Punic War Generals

Adherbal, Carthaginian leading admiralAppius Claudius Caudex, Roman consulAulus Atilius Calatinus, Roman dictatorGaius Duilius, Roman consulGaius Lutatius Catulus, Roman consulGnaeus Cornelius Scipio Asina, Roman consulHamilcar Barca, Carthaginian leading generalHannibal Gisco, Carthaginian generalHanno the Great, Carthaginian leading politicianHasdrubal the Fair, Carthaginian generalHiero II, tyrant of SyracuseLucius Caecilius Metellus, Roman consulMarcus Atilius Regulus, Roman consulPublius Claudius Pulcher, Roman consulXanthippus, Spartan mercenary in the service of CarthageHannibal the Rhodian, Carthaginian privateerVodostar, Carthaginian general who disobeyed orders not to plunder after a victory, resulting in the loss of many men and ruining the planCarthaginian Generals
Adherbal (Admiral)
See Alexon
See Auraitus
Hamilcar Barca
See Hamilcar Barca
Hannibal Gisco
See Hannibal Gisco
Hamilcar (Drepnum)
Hanno the Great
See Hanno the Great
Hanno (Messana Garrison Commander
See Hanno (Messana Garrison Commander
Hanno (Son of Hannibal)
Xanthippus of Carthage
First Punic War
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- Battle of Adys
- Battle of Agrigentum
- Battle of Bagradas
- Battle of Messana
- Battle of Panormus
- Siege of Apsis
- Siege of Drepana
- Siege of Lilybaeum (250 BC)
Naval Battles
- Battle of Cape Ecnomus
- Battle of Drepana
- Battle of the Aegates Islands
- Battle of the Lipari Islands
- Battle of Mylae
- Battle of Sulci
- Battle of Tyndaris