Geography > Iberia

The Carthaginian presence in Iberia (modern-day Spain and Portugal) was a crucial aspect of Carthaginian expansion and influence in the western Mediterranean during the Punic Wars era. Carthage, a Phoenician colony itself, established trading posts and colonies along the Iberian coast as early as the 9th century BC. These settlements served as important trading centers and bases for Carthaginian commercial interests in the region.
Iberia was rich in natural resources, including silver, copper, lead, and agricultural products. Carthage sought to exploit these resources and establish control over lucrative trade routes connecting Iberia with other Mediterranean regions. Carthage gradually expanded its influence inland from the coastal settlements, establishing alliances with local tribes and kingdoms while also employing military force to subjugate resistant populations.
Carthaginian generals, such as Hamilcar Barca and his successors, undertook military campaigns to expand Carthaginian territory in Iberia. They conquered territories, established military outposts, and extracted tribute from local populations. Carthage exploited the rich mineral resources of Iberia, particularly silver mines, which were a significant source of wealth for the Carthaginian state. These mines were worked by enslaved laborers, including prisoners of war and local inhabitants.
Carthage maintained extensive trade networks in Iberia, exporting minerals, agricultural products, and manufactured goods to other parts of the Mediterranean while importing luxury goods, raw materials, and mercenaries to support its military campaigns. Carthage established garrisons and fortifications throughout Iberia to secure its territories and protect against incursions from rival powers, such as Rome and indigenous tribes. Carthage recruited large numbers of Iberian mercenaries to bolster its military forces. These mercenaries played a significant role in Carthaginian military campaigns, including the Punic Wars.
Role in the Punic Wars:
Iberia served as a crucial base of operations for Carthaginian military campaigns during the Punic Wars, providing resources, troops, and strategic depth against Roman incursions. Despite Carthaginian efforts to maintain control over Iberia, Rome gradually expanded its influence in the region, leading to the conquest of Iberian territories by Roman generals such as Scipio Africanus during the Second Punic War. In summary, the Carthaginian presence in Iberia was characterized by economic exploitation, territorial expansion, and military dominance, making it a vital component of Carthaginian power in the western Mediterranean during the Punic Wars era.